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University of Cambridge

Annex E

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Annex E: Arrangements for events sponsored by the college for persons less than 18 years of age

This guidance should be read in conjunction with the College’s Safeguarding Policy.


The College does not organise residential events for children expected to be under 16. Children under 16 would only be accepted if a parent attends with them. ÌýThe College requires students aged 11 to 16 attending daytime events to be accompanied by staff who are responsible for their students at all times.

Where externally organised groups of children and young people are attending College, it is the responsibility of the sending organisation to ensure they supervise their group adequately throughout their time at College. College staff managing the activity should ask the sending organisation for confirmation of the arrangements and contact information in advance of the activity taking place.

Where children and young people attend the College in an individual capacity, it is the responsibility of Access and Student Recruitment to provide adequate supervision throughout the time the participants are at College. College staff managing the event must ensure that contact details for participants, as well as contacts for parents or carer, have been received.

Residential activities (i.e. those where participants stay one or more nights in College) managed by Access and Student Recruitment will follow the supervision requirements set out in the College’s Safeguarding Policy. Such activates constitute Regulated Activity as defined in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (SVGA), amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA). Any adult that undertakes such responsibility must have the required DBS check in place, as well as receive adequate training from the sending organisation (if supervising their own group), or from College (if supervising participants attending in an individual capacity).

In all scenarios, the College Porters will be available in College to support Access and Student Recruitment staff.

The College requires adult to children supervision levels as follows ():



13 -18


There will be a minimum of two adults at all times.

Term time events
Under 18s invited to residential term-time events (in practice, the Offer Holders’ Overnight Stay) will be given shared rooms for overnight accommodation.Ìý There will generally be two under 18s and one current student over the age of 18.

When under-18s are present during evening events, current students are not permitted to consume alcohol at formal hall which under 18s are also attending. ÌýOnly non-alcoholic drinks should be consumed in the bar when it is planned that under 18s are present.

The following wording is used to obtain parental consent for all attendees of residential term-time college events:

I am aware that my daughter/charge will be sharing a room overnight with a girl of a similar age and a current É«É«Ó°Ôº student and that she will be taking part in activities organised by the college as well as more informal activities, within and outside College premises, with other students, where she chooses to do so.

Should an offer holder below the age of 17 wish to attend any such overnight event, there will be liaison with the school/family of the individual and any special arrangements made accordingly.

É«É«Ó°Ôº students hosting offer holders will be briefed appropriately by the Schools Liaison Officer, Senior Recruitment and Outreach Officer or Admissions Tutor (as appropriate).

Events held in college during vacations
Under 18s are accommodated in single, en suite rooms with corridors separated by gender as far as possible. Lights out checks are conducted at 11pm. Attendees are only allowed to leave College at specified times, if at all.

Procedures for protection of and by College Staff
College staff will be provided with training on appropriate behaviour for protection of themselves and protection of children and vulnerable adults, in particular, Porters, Maintenance and Housekeeping.Ìý All Porters and Admissions staff are DBS checked.

Recognising that details of children and young people attending events are subject to change, as far as practicable Access and Student Recruitment will provide the Porters with information of activities taking place in College at least one week in advance.
