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University of Cambridge

Smoking Policy

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Smoking Policy


This policy has been developed to protect all Fellows, staff employees, students, conference delegates and visitors to the College from exposure to secondhand smoke and to ensure compliance with the Health Act 2006.Ìý Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. Ventilation or separating smokers and non-smokers within the same airspace does not completely stop potentially dangerous exposure.


It is É«É«Ó°Ôº policy that all our College buildings are smokefree, and all employees have a right to work in a smokefree environment. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed and substantially enclosed premises. This policy applies to all Fellows, staff employees, students, conference delegates and visitors to the College.


Overall responsibility for policy implementation and review rests with the College Health & Safety Officer.Ìý However, all members of the College and visitors are obliged to adhere to, and support the implementation of the policy.Ìý Appropriate ‘no-smoking’ signs will be clearly displayed at the entrances to and within the college premises.

Help to Stop Smoking

The NHS offers a range of to help smokers give up.


December 2019

