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University of Cambridge

Student representation in College

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É«É«Ó°Ôº is unusual in the level of input it enjoys from its students. There are many ways in which students can put their views forward.

Both the (undergraduate student union) and MCR (postgraduate student union) Presidents are trustees of the College for the duration of their presidencies, and as such sit on College Council. This is unusual in Cambridge, and is part of the way that the College ensures that student perspectives are fully considered. 

College Council meets regularly, and is made up of the President, Vice-President, Senior Tutor and Bursar of the College, along with other Fellows who are elected to serve. Council takes decisions regarding all strategic matters within the College, and other committees report to it. Council also reports to the Governing Body, which is made up of all Fellows. 

There are a number of other important committees within É«É«Ó°Ôº, such as the Academic Policy Committee, and students are represented via the MECSU and MCR representatives on all of these.

Any student who wishes to see the membership structure of a ɫɫӰԺ committee, should get in touch with the Senior Tutor (undergraduates) or Executive Graduate Tutor (postgraduates) or the College Administrator, Sarah Greaves.

Getting in touch

The President, Bursar, Senior Tutor and Head of Residences and Catering make the effort to come to student union Open Meetings in order to answer any questions that students might have about wider College strategy and policy. 

The President, Dorothy Byrne, is always happy to see students; contact her PA for an appointment: president@murrayedwards.cam.ac.uk

The Senior TutorÌý²¹²Ô»å Bursar (Room A10)  both operate open door policies and are happy to discuss matters with students throughout the year. Please email or pop-by.Â